Thursday, January 24, 2008

Some Old Big Heads Resurface

As you know, I love it when a client contacts me to share their
experience with the painting they own. Some send a photo
of the painting hanging in their home, others just mention
which painting they have and kindly send along a photo.
I've done so many paintings so sometimes it takes a little
more, like a photo to kick-start my memory.
Recently i received the following two photos, of two very early
Big Head paintings. Ironically they both happen to be
residing in the San Francisco Bay Area. I just love knowing
that these two paintings ended up living a short 7 miles
from one another, and they don't even know it.

The first is titled Heart Shaped Head, Oil on Canvas, 58" x 48".
The second is called Green Head with Red Background, Oil on
Canvas, 56" x 46".
Also hanging in the same home as the Green Head is the acrylic
painting Guardian Angel which i did on paper in 1994. This painting
has more of a figure to it but i did it in the Buggyworks Studio the
same year. Just a side note, i happened to be the one who took the
2 photos of Green Head & Guardian Angel on a visit to SF last year.

If you read this and you want to share a photo of your painting
in your home. Show the world how you are displaying it or how
you framed it, i will be happy to post it here in my Blog.



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