Monday, February 25, 2008

Invite (Printable)

If you would like an invite sent to your home or
business please email me with your address.

Here is an electronic invite for my upcoming
show, feel free to print it out. I look forward
to seeing everyone the evening of April 4th.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Waterfall

Brand new for April 2008, Sharon Weiss Gallery
in Columbus Ohio. This wonderful new painting
is a 16" x 20", Acrylic on Wood Panel. The working
title for this painting is "The Waterfall (One may never cross)".
To me this is a very romantic painting about two
characters of mine who are trying to reach each
other but they have one great hurdle to cross, The
Waterfall. Occasionally I enjoy making paintings
which are a little more thought provoking or existential
if you will. Some may enjoy this painting for those reasons
while others may simply see the beauty of the flowers which
took many hours to detail, or the splashes of water as
they dance and create movement. Regardless, The Waterfall
is another expression from my heart to the world.

website down is temporarily down. it will
be back up and running by Monday, Feb, 25th.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tubby, 11"x14", Acrylic on Panel

To be exhibited at Sharon Weiss Gallery, April 2008.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Sign Up -E-Mailing List

I now have a mailing list on my website.
Just go to my site and
you will find on the HOME page the box
to enter your email address. This will
allow you to get updates and dates for
Mark your calendar April 4th, Columbus
Ohio, Sharon Weiss Gallery, 6-9PM for
the opening reception.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Tubby Picking a Bouquet, 11"x14", Acrylic on Panel

This painting will be exhibited in my April show
in Columbus at Sharon Weiss Gallery. Inquiries
can be made by emailing me
or calling Sharon Weiss Gallery, 614-291-5683

More paintings will be posted as I complete them
for this exhibition.
(Click to Enlarge)