Friday, October 31, 2008

Big Head Truck 1995-1997

For those who lived in Columbus Ohio in the mid 90's
might remember the Big Head Truck and enjoy the reminder
of the traveling painting. The original version of the
painting was created to be an advertisement for my exhibit which
had the words (Little Head Paintings, Coffee Table-July 1995)
painted on the background.
After the show was over I removed the ad/text and kept
the painting, updating different versions about every 6 months,
keeping it fresh until I left Columbus for NYC in 1997.
Many people thought the truck was mine, it wasn't. Scott (red beard)
eventually sold the truck and the whereabouts of the painting
remains a mystery. I keep waiting for someone to find the truck
in a salvage yard, buy the truck for $100 knowing the real investment
attached to the rear of their new cargo truck.

The Polaroid (attached) is one of the few photos taken
of the Big Head Truck. This was the 'second version' of
the Big Head Truck painting.
Please ignore the starving artist blocking part of the painting!! haha
The photo of the BH Truck with artist and the Red Bearded Man
is the trucks 'original version' which shows the advertisement for
my exhibit at The Coffee Table. Red Beard is my friend Scott who
owned and used the truck for his carpentry business in the 1990's.
Update (11-5-08): The photo of the back of the truck
without people is the last photo taken, and is the 'final version'
I painted in 1997 days before I moved to NYC.

Also attached is a photo the Columbus Dispatch took to promote
First Night Columbus (New Years Eve) in 1995. I had designed the
poster for the event but knowing the photo would run on the front
page of the Dispatch I quickly called Scott and told him to get his
truck over to us so we could use it for a backdrop. The photo of the
Dispatch/poster/truck kind of stands out here in the group of blog
photos. (Click all photos to enlarge them)


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