Sunday, March 30, 2008

Black Background & Colorful Smile

8" x 10" Acrylic on Panel
New for SWG next week in Columbus.
Available as of 3-30-08

Friday, March 28, 2008

One week and counting

As I anticipate seeing friends, family, clients, new people
who I will meet for the first time, my heart beats fast but
my mind is calm and relaxed. This opportunity I have each
year to show my work at Sharon's gallery is a gift, a gift I
am so grateful for. I love the first week of April, for
a dozen years I have been able to have this spot.
I work vigorously for 6 months or longer
alone in my studio preparing for this exhibit, all for a three
hour reception. That is what i used to say. Now as i get a
little bit older and wiser, it's not just for three hours, it's
for a lifetime for some. People take the art i create home with
them, it's theirs to care for and enjoy. I get to meet and greet
as mentioned, but i also get to see my friends in Columbus
for 5 days. I run around in my rental car all week to meet up
with friends for coffee, dinner, a walk in the park.
I brilliantly picked the first week of April and selfishly keep
it (Sharon allows me to keep it) because I know from once
living in Columbus that the April Gallery Hop traditionally is like
the first Spring Hop. Usually this week/end is warm or spring-like
warm and residence of Cols are happy, they come out of
their homes that have windows taped with plastic to keep the
heat in, and the bill to a minimum. Maybe May is better? But
for me, i love the first week of April in Columbus. As i sit here
in my studio in Los Angeles, it was 80 degrees today and i
recall thinking how much i long for the 45 or 50 degree Spring
like weather i will play in next week. It makes sitting in my
chair painstakingly painting on detailed paintings for six months,
alone, worth every second. All for a month long show that i
will fly from the West, then into the Mid-West... to meet, greet,
shake the hand of new people. It's worth it, every year.

I hope you can attend the opening reception if you are in
Columbus on April 4th. I will love to share my new art with
each one of you, individually. Here is the invitation posted
again, click to enlarge.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Big Head with Big Blue Eyes

Oil on Paper, 24" x 20, 2008. (Framed in Black Wood)
This new Big Head painting will be exhibited
at Sharon Weiss Gallery. It's an oil painting on
paper and it is framed in black wood.
The "pre-sales" are active and I am getting
quite a few requests via email, so please
if you have fallen in love with a certain painting it
is better to contact myself or Sharon so you don't
lose your chance to own it.
I should be displaying the second Big Head in a
day or two here on my blog. This one will be an
Oil on Canvas, 24" x 30".
Love and Peace! Craig

Sharon's phone: 614-291-5683
My email:

(click to enlarge)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Happy Freckles

8" x 10", Acrylic on Panel, 2008
New for April Exhibition in Ohio.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Mosaic Head

Acrylic on Panel, 8" x 6", 2008

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

On Sale Now.. You better hurry.

"Double Head with Floral Arrangement"
I just got word that one of my old Big Double Heads
has arrived at Sharon Weiss Gallery. Evidently the owner
of the painting is selling it.
After speaking with Sharon on the phone this evening
i was told about the flurry of activity around this painting.
Some people were asking her to separate the two and sell
them individually. Thank you Sharon for not doing that!!!
The painting is two 48" x 36" canvas's bolted together to
make one beautiful story.
I originally did this painting to celebrate the relationship I
was in at the time. There is a story in this painting, how the
masculine Head plucked the most beautiful flower from his
lovers Head. In doing so he felt he was taking something which
represented her beauty. He parades around with the flower,
showing it off to all the viewers. He wants everyone to know
she is his and he is proud of her beauty. But there is a little
problem happening, she is upset because he dared to pick
the most beautiful flower she had grown... it was hers!! it
was her elegance and grace and he plucked it without even
thinking how she would feel. Typical man who hasn't read
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.

It was a painting which i created in my First Ave Studio in
Grandview back in the mid 90's. I think the year i painted
this one was 1995 or 96 at the latest. Originally i had painted
the two Heads separately and by accident i had leaned the two
next to each other and instantly noticed that they were soul mates.
The paintings look completely different at the time, the flowers
were not on the Heads yet and the background colors were
brighter. I then bolted them together and created the story
of the Heads with flowers.

It's for sale at Sharon Weiss Gallery 614-291-5683.
The size is 48"x 72", Oil on Canvas. I don't get any of the money
from this sale because it's on the secondary market, but I know
the owner and I want to support both him and Sharon. It was
fun to recount the history of this painting. It is a dream painting
and a must for someone who wants a very rare Double Head
painting from my archives. I have only done a handful of Double
Heads.. they are rare.

Monday, March 03, 2008

The Cave

Acrylic on Panel, 11" x "14
To be exhibited at Sharon Weiss Gallery in April.
Call Sharon Weiss or email me if you are interested in
this painting.