(offline for a week)
Currently I am having my main website redesigned.
There will be a few days, maybe up to a week that you'll get a blank
page. The good news is once the upgrade occurs I'll have a new
design and there will be a lot more paintings in the archives. So it
won't just be a selection of 10 paintings from each year. There is a
good chance that all the paintings which were documented will be in
the new gallery section.
Big Heart Design out of Nashville TN is doing the design and we've
spent the last year working together on the site. I promise it will be
a beautiful site and easy to navigate. works with non profits and faith based companies
mostly, but they contacted me and wanted to branch out a little and
work with artists who's images are inspiring to others.
Another option which will be available in the new design is the ability
for You to sign up for enhanced direct communication. Once you sign
up and share your address, be it email or home/office, I will be able
to deliver notifications to you when I have an exhibit scheduled or other
things such as a product, print, painting placed in the Store section.
For now, you can come here to the blog and stay current with me.
Even though the country is going through a challenging time I do feel
confident and optimistic that ART will remain one venue which lifts our
spirits and reminds us that we are very fortunate. My hope and goal
is to continue to remind others, and those close to me of this simple
reality. I have my hands, my heart, my mind to carry the message
(through art), what is yours, and are you willing to share your gift with
others? Let's all leap beyond!
There will be a few days, maybe up to a week that you'll get a blank
page. The good news is once the upgrade occurs I'll have a new
design and there will be a lot more paintings in the archives. So it
won't just be a selection of 10 paintings from each year. There is a
good chance that all the paintings which were documented will be in
the new gallery section.
Big Heart Design out of Nashville TN is doing the design and we've
spent the last year working together on the site. I promise it will be
a beautiful site and easy to navigate. works with non profits and faith based companies
mostly, but they contacted me and wanted to branch out a little and
work with artists who's images are inspiring to others.
Another option which will be available in the new design is the ability
for You to sign up for enhanced direct communication. Once you sign
up and share your address, be it email or home/office, I will be able
to deliver notifications to you when I have an exhibit scheduled or other
things such as a product, print, painting placed in the Store section.
For now, you can come here to the blog and stay current with me.
Even though the country is going through a challenging time I do feel
confident and optimistic that ART will remain one venue which lifts our
spirits and reminds us that we are very fortunate. My hope and goal
is to continue to remind others, and those close to me of this simple
reality. I have my hands, my heart, my mind to carry the message
(through art), what is yours, and are you willing to share your gift with
others? Let's all leap beyond!