Monday, January 05, 2009

Mystery Heads

A relative in Oklahoma sent this clipping from a newspaper
a couple of years ago, and I just found it in a box of unsorted
papers. I want to figure this one out if I can. What happened
is back in the mid 90's I donated a painting (the one in the top
center of the photo with the multiple heads) to a charity art
auction. This painting was one of the rare works that I failed to
properly document before letting out of my studio.
Someone obviously won the auction and now hangs in their
collection. I just don't know who has it, or where it now resides,
so now it's a big mystery.
The art consists of twelve 5"x7" panels bolted together. In 1995
I was doing heads as individual paintings on metal, but this one
I decided to create a grouping. It was a really cool piece.
Hopefully whoever owns it might happen upon my Blog and see
this post. Or even if luck has it, a friend of the owner will notify
them and have them contact me.
I already contacted the newspaper and the business spotlighted,
I did that back when I got the article and it was a dead end.
Regardless, it was fun to see it pop back up in a random newspaper
in Oklahoma City, the place I was born.