Monday, January 28, 2008

Another Client Shows their Collection!

Are you next? I would love to see how
you have displayed yours.
The owner of this 7 foot tall Big Head
painting sent me an email with the photo
attached. I love this style of displaying
large art, leaning it against the wall. I
happen to have a few displayed the same
way in my home. It looks great Jason!
P.S. This one on paper is from the series
of a dozen Big Heads on paper I did back
in 1994.

Saturday (Jan 13th) entry update

*Just a quick note that Saturday the 13th, 1PM
has been updated. Scroll down to check it out.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Some Old Big Heads Resurface

As you know, I love it when a client contacts me to share their
experience with the painting they own. Some send a photo
of the painting hanging in their home, others just mention
which painting they have and kindly send along a photo.
I've done so many paintings so sometimes it takes a little
more, like a photo to kick-start my memory.
Recently i received the following two photos, of two very early
Big Head paintings. Ironically they both happen to be
residing in the San Francisco Bay Area. I just love knowing
that these two paintings ended up living a short 7 miles
from one another, and they don't even know it.

The first is titled Heart Shaped Head, Oil on Canvas, 58" x 48".
The second is called Green Head with Red Background, Oil on
Canvas, 56" x 46".
Also hanging in the same home as the Green Head is the acrylic
painting Guardian Angel which i did on paper in 1994. This painting
has more of a figure to it but i did it in the Buggyworks Studio the
same year. Just a side note, i happened to be the one who took the
2 photos of Green Head & Guardian Angel on a visit to SF last year.

If you read this and you want to share a photo of your painting
in your home. Show the world how you are displaying it or how
you framed it, i will be happy to post it here in my Blog.


Sunday, January 13, 2008

New painting wood box

Little Head
Old wood box is 10" x 7" , Oil Paint on Wood.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Starting Big Head #2, 30"x24"

For those of you who wrote emails to me
wishing the other Big Head wasn't spoken
for, guess what, this morning (Saturday)
I began Big Head #2. I will post more as
the paint is applied.

Finished! Re:A new Big Head (Oil on Canvas - 24"x30")

Once this oil painting is dry, it's going into
a crate, and then FedEx'd to Sharon Weiss Gallery.
Signed Sealed Delivered is it going to be yours?

*Updated Monday, Jan. 28th
It's on view and for sale at Sharon Weiss Gallery, Columbus.
With the Big Head hanging in the front window she
said there is an unusual amount of foot traffic to see it up close.
I have never really been able to put my finger on it, but
the Big Heads have always evoked conversation and
With my April show at SWG in Columbus quickly approaching,
I really haven't been able to do more than work on this show.
I now have the 2nd Big Head painting on a short term hold.
So in between brush strokes with my micro tiny brushes, i'll
jump over to the much larger tools of the trade and let the spirit
guide me... well actually i consider all my paintings divinely

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Collage from the year 1994

I was browsing through some of my older work
the other day and came across this cool collage
I did back in 1994. The collage is a mix of clippings
and photos I took on a trip to San Francisco in 94.
The collage itself measures 11"x7". However I have
framed it which makes the frame size 15"x12". The
art is floating on a white mat and the backside of
the frame has an easel so it can stand on a table,
or you can always hang it if desired.

I am enclosing a couple of views. First is a pic
showing the approximate size 11x7. The next
will be a large view so you can see the details
which makes for a unique view. Lastly you will
see multiple views framed.

This collage is available via my studio so please
email me if you want to claim it.

Two TINY Heads - New Paintings

I have been busy in the month of December creating
Head paintings. First I want to share two new oil
paintings on wood panel. These are very small panels
measuring only 3.75" x 3.75" x 1" (deep). These two
paintings can very easily be framed inexpensively, or
like many of my wood panel paintings, they can be left
alone and hung with the wood edge showing. The other
option is free standing. These paintings can stand on
their own if you wanted to put them on a side table. I
wouldn't suggest laying them flat on a table or a guest
might mistake the painting for a coaster, Yikes.

These two paintings will be shipped to Sharon Weiss
Gallery this week. Anticipate their arrival at the gallery
by the first weekend of January. You have until January
2nd or 3rd to purchase from my studio if you want first dibs.
Feel free to email me and I will let you know the status.
Happy New Year!