Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Blog New Home - craigcarlisle.com

From this point forward my Blog will be viewed and
updated on my website along with all archived posts. You may simply change your bookmark to -


See you over at craigcarlisle.com!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Little Head with Bright Eyes

8"x10", Oil on Board, 2010

Monday, March 08, 2010

Little Head with Yellow Daisy

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Sharon Weiss Gallery - April 2010

Monday, January 05, 2009

Mystery Heads

A relative in Oklahoma sent this clipping from a newspaper
a couple of years ago, and I just found it in a box of unsorted
papers. I want to figure this one out if I can. What happened
is back in the mid 90's I donated a painting (the one in the top
center of the photo with the multiple heads) to a charity art
auction. This painting was one of the rare works that I failed to
properly document before letting out of my studio.
Someone obviously won the auction and now hangs in their
collection. I just don't know who has it, or where it now resides,
so now it's a big mystery.
The art consists of twelve 5"x7" panels bolted together. In 1995
I was doing heads as individual paintings on metal, but this one
I decided to create a grouping. It was a really cool piece.
Hopefully whoever owns it might happen upon my Blog and see
this post. Or even if luck has it, a friend of the owner will notify
them and have them contact me.
I already contacted the newspaper and the business spotlighted,
I did that back when I got the article and it was a dead end.
Regardless, it was fun to see it pop back up in a random newspaper
in Oklahoma City, the place I was born.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

craigcarlisle.com (offline for a week)

Currently I am having my main website craigcarlisle.com redesigned.
There will be a few days, maybe up to a week that you'll get a blank
page. The good news is once the upgrade occurs I'll have a new
design and there will be a lot more paintings in the archives. So it
won't just be a selection of 10 paintings from each year. There is a
good chance that all the paintings which were documented will be in
the new gallery section.
Big Heart Design out of Nashville TN is doing the design and we've
spent the last year working together on the site. I promise it will be
a beautiful site and easy to navigate.
bigheartdesign.com works with non profits and faith based companies
mostly, but they contacted me and wanted to branch out a little and
work with artists who's images are inspiring to others.

Another option which will be available in the new design is the ability
for You to sign up for enhanced direct communication. Once you sign
up and share your address, be it email or home/office, I will be able
to deliver notifications to you when I have an exhibit scheduled or other
things such as a product, print, painting placed in the Store section.
For now, you can come here to the blog and stay current with me.

Even though the country is going through a challenging time I do feel
confident and optimistic that ART will remain one venue which lifts our
spirits and reminds us that we are very fortunate. My hope and goal
is to continue to remind others, and those close to me of this simple
reality. I have my hands, my heart, my mind to carry the message
(through art), what is yours, and are you willing to share your gift with
others? Let's all leap beyond!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Big Head Truck 1995-1997

For those who lived in Columbus Ohio in the mid 90's
might remember the Big Head Truck and enjoy the reminder
of the traveling painting. The original version of the
painting was created to be an advertisement for my exhibit which
had the words (Little Head Paintings, Coffee Table-July 1995)
painted on the background.
After the show was over I removed the ad/text and kept
the painting, updating different versions about every 6 months,
keeping it fresh until I left Columbus for NYC in 1997.
Many people thought the truck was mine, it wasn't. Scott (red beard)
eventually sold the truck and the whereabouts of the painting
remains a mystery. I keep waiting for someone to find the truck
in a salvage yard, buy the truck for $100 knowing the real investment
attached to the rear of their new cargo truck.

The Polaroid (attached) is one of the few photos taken
of the Big Head Truck. This was the 'second version' of
the Big Head Truck painting.
Please ignore the starving artist blocking part of the painting!! haha
The photo of the BH Truck with artist and the Red Bearded Man
is the trucks 'original version' which shows the advertisement for
my exhibit at The Coffee Table. Red Beard is my friend Scott who
owned and used the truck for his carpentry business in the 1990's.
Update (11-5-08): The photo of the back of the truck
without people is the last photo taken, and is the 'final version'
I painted in 1997 days before I moved to NYC.

Also attached is a photo the Columbus Dispatch took to promote
First Night Columbus (New Years Eve) in 1995. I had designed the
poster for the event but knowing the photo would run on the front
page of the Dispatch I quickly called Scott and told him to get his
truck over to us so we could use it for a backdrop. The photo of the
Dispatch/poster/truck kind of stands out here in the group of blog
photos. (Click all photos to enlarge them)

Monday, September 01, 2008

Palm Springs

I wanted to let my clients know that I packed up the
studio in LA and moved just down the road to the
desert, relocating to Palm Springs. You can
still contact me via email and if you have my cell
phone which didn't change.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Email change August 16th

Please take note that my personal email address
is changing (August 16th). You can begin using
the new temporary email as of today. The new
email address to use is: cc5164@gmail.com

The old email address which you are tossing
away forever is: craigcarlisle@ca.rr.com

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Another Client Shows their Painting, from Tennessee

Now that I started the request of emailing me
a photo of your Carlisle painting hanging in
your home or office, they keep coming. This
painting of mine goes back very far, decades!
I have been digging around and FINALLY
found the slide information.

Title: "Bed", 42"x32", Oil on Canvas, 1988

Thank you for sending me the photo of a
painting which dates back before my professional
career started. I think this was when my paintings
were selling for just hundreds of dollars.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Another Client Shows their Collection, from Boston!

A gallery back in the 90's sold this painting to
a couple in Boston. I created the Big Head from
my Stanton Street Studio in NYC. It was the last
painting I made in that studio before moving to
San Francisco in 1998. Thanks Robert for sending
the image of the painting, it looks great on the
red wall. The title of this painting is:
Big Head in Field of Love Flowers

Sunday, June 08, 2008

art ltd. magazine

George Billis Los Angeles is mentioned in the
May 08 edition of art ltd. magazine in an article giving
a little update and review of the Culver City district.
I figured my out of town patrons might enjoy better
understanding the area i show my art in LA.
plug: artltdmag.com
it's a great west coast art magazine, at least i like it.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Summer Salon - George Billis LA (June 7th)

June 4th - July 12th I will have a few paintings
in a group show at GBG-LA called "Summer Salon".
It's one of three shows hanging for the next month.
As most GBG-LA know, there are always 3 exhibits
at each opening. The gallery is huge so it gives the
artists of George's to show about every 18 months.
OK, enough of the details... on with the show.
The opening is tomorrow night, Saturday June 7th.
I'll be there, at least to see which paintings of mine
actually were hung. I can promise you that they will
be 2008 paintings. Here is an invite if you want to
print it out.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Art for Life, this coming Saturday, May 10

I am honored to be a part of the CATF Art for Life
Art Auction, a biannual event. This year it is taking
place at the Cols City Center downtown.
CATF's website, view the artists donating.

I have donated two paintings which I am posting
here. I sure wish I could attend, maybe next time
around I will be closer to the city and can make it.
The first painting is a Head on paper and the second
is a 12" x 7" painting on driftwood which i found
on Ocean Beach in San Francisco last month.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Walton Ford, artist video interview 3:28 mins.

Hopefully this video continues to work and remain available.
One of my favorite artists in a quick interview
on Taschen's website.

Interview with Jeffrey Burk Design (Blog)

Back when I was living in Columbus Identity Designer Jeffrey Burk
approached me about designing my website. After I moved to NYC
in 1997 I hired him to do the original craigcarlisle.com which was a
blast to watch as it was built and launched.
Jeffrey now lives in Seattle and continues his design business.

Jeffrey also is an art collector and commissioned me to paint two
of my Big Head paintings. The one in NYC was painted in my studio
on Stanton St. and the second was a dual head which was later
painted in my studio in San Francisco.
Please check them out,
they are a must see for Big Head fans.
Last but not least, I recently did an interview with Burk.
Check it out here. Carlisle Interview

My Blogs 100th Post! Marc and Amy's Painting

Recently I got to visit the home of the owners
of this very large painting I did back in the early
90's. This particular painting is about 72" tall, maybe
even a little taller, it finally made it's way into a
loving home where Marc and Amy were willing to
go to the expense of putting the required oversized
frame around the painting. A bunch
of the oversized paintings I did ended up damaged
torn, ripped, because they were just so expensive
to frame they ended rolled up in a closet.
But this painting and another posted on Jan 28th
sent to me from Jason were preserved.
I know there are more out there, send me pics of
them if you have them.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Clients Condo

I was introduced to Mr. Aschenbach back in the
mid-90's and he was quick to purchase several
of my original Big Head paintings. Im glad to see
he has held onto them. Nice view of downtown
Columbus they have each morning.
The painting in the top left "Big Smiling Head" was
one of the first Big Heads I ever did. The other he is
standing in front of was the painting which was
selected to be on the poster for the 1st First Night
Columbus 1996
. The last remaining poster is for sale
in my store on my website. (Blog Post below: JANUARY 01, 2008)
Beautiful home Doug, thank you for sharing this article
with me and my readers.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Art for Life Promo at SWG, WCMH-TV4

WCMH swung by SWG during the opening
reception April 4th to ask a few questions
promoting the CATF "Art for Life" Art Auction
this coming May 10th.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Reception Photos, Sharon Weiss Gallery + My Blogs 3 year Anniversary

I've posted some photos from the opening
reception at Sharon Weiss Gallery last Friday night.
Reception Photos - Click Here
April 8th, 2005 was my first Blog entry. It has been
great fun interacting with my community this way.
Happy 3 years Blog and Me.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Black Background & Colorful Smile

8" x 10" Acrylic on Panel
New for SWG next week in Columbus.
Available as of 3-30-08

Friday, March 28, 2008

One week and counting

As I anticipate seeing friends, family, clients, new people
who I will meet for the first time, my heart beats fast but
my mind is calm and relaxed. This opportunity I have each
year to show my work at Sharon's gallery is a gift, a gift I
am so grateful for. I love the first week of April, for
a dozen years I have been able to have this spot.
I work vigorously for 6 months or longer
alone in my studio preparing for this exhibit, all for a three
hour reception. That is what i used to say. Now as i get a
little bit older and wiser, it's not just for three hours, it's
for a lifetime for some. People take the art i create home with
them, it's theirs to care for and enjoy. I get to meet and greet
as mentioned, but i also get to see my friends in Columbus
for 5 days. I run around in my rental car all week to meet up
with friends for coffee, dinner, a walk in the park.
I brilliantly picked the first week of April and selfishly keep
it (Sharon allows me to keep it) because I know from once
living in Columbus that the April Gallery Hop traditionally is like
the first Spring Hop. Usually this week/end is warm or spring-like
warm and residence of Cols are happy, they come out of
their homes that have windows taped with plastic to keep the
heat in, and the bill to a minimum. Maybe May is better? But
for me, i love the first week of April in Columbus. As i sit here
in my studio in Los Angeles, it was 80 degrees today and i
recall thinking how much i long for the 45 or 50 degree Spring
like weather i will play in next week. It makes sitting in my
chair painstakingly painting on detailed paintings for six months,
alone, worth every second. All for a month long show that i
will fly from the West, then into the Mid-West... to meet, greet,
shake the hand of new people. It's worth it, every year.

I hope you can attend the opening reception if you are in
Columbus on April 4th. I will love to share my new art with
each one of you, individually. Here is the invitation posted
again, click to enlarge.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Big Head with Big Blue Eyes

Oil on Paper, 24" x 20, 2008. (Framed in Black Wood)
This new Big Head painting will be exhibited
at Sharon Weiss Gallery. It's an oil painting on
paper and it is framed in black wood.
The "pre-sales" are active and I am getting
quite a few requests via email, so please
if you have fallen in love with a certain painting it
is better to contact myself or Sharon so you don't
lose your chance to own it.
I should be displaying the second Big Head in a
day or two here on my blog. This one will be an
Oil on Canvas, 24" x 30".
Love and Peace! Craig

Sharon's phone: 614-291-5683
My email: cc5164@yahoo.com

(click to enlarge)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Happy Freckles

8" x 10", Acrylic on Panel, 2008
New for April Exhibition in Ohio.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Mosaic Head

Acrylic on Panel, 8" x 6", 2008

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

On Sale Now.. You better hurry.

"Double Head with Floral Arrangement"
I just got word that one of my old Big Double Heads
has arrived at Sharon Weiss Gallery. Evidently the owner
of the painting is selling it.
After speaking with Sharon on the phone this evening
i was told about the flurry of activity around this painting.
Some people were asking her to separate the two and sell
them individually. Thank you Sharon for not doing that!!!
The painting is two 48" x 36" canvas's bolted together to
make one beautiful story.
I originally did this painting to celebrate the relationship I
was in at the time. There is a story in this painting, how the
masculine Head plucked the most beautiful flower from his
lovers Head. In doing so he felt he was taking something which
represented her beauty. He parades around with the flower,
showing it off to all the viewers. He wants everyone to know
she is his and he is proud of her beauty. But there is a little
problem happening, she is upset because he dared to pick
the most beautiful flower she had grown... it was hers!! it
was her elegance and grace and he plucked it without even
thinking how she would feel. Typical man who hasn't read
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.

It was a painting which i created in my First Ave Studio in
Grandview back in the mid 90's. I think the year i painted
this one was 1995 or 96 at the latest. Originally i had painted
the two Heads separately and by accident i had leaned the two
next to each other and instantly noticed that they were soul mates.
The paintings look completely different at the time, the flowers
were not on the Heads yet and the background colors were
brighter. I then bolted them together and created the story
of the Heads with flowers.

It's for sale at Sharon Weiss Gallery 614-291-5683.
The size is 48"x 72", Oil on Canvas. I don't get any of the money
from this sale because it's on the secondary market, but I know
the owner and I want to support both him and Sharon. It was
fun to recount the history of this painting. It is a dream painting
and a must for someone who wants a very rare Double Head
painting from my archives. I have only done a handful of Double
Heads.. they are rare.

Monday, March 03, 2008

The Cave

Acrylic on Panel, 11" x "14
To be exhibited at Sharon Weiss Gallery in April.
Call Sharon Weiss or email me if you are interested in
this painting.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Invite (Printable)

If you would like an invite sent to your home or
business please email me with your address.
email: cc5164@yahoo.com

Here is an electronic invite for my upcoming
show, feel free to print it out. I look forward
to seeing everyone the evening of April 4th.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Waterfall

Brand new for April 2008, Sharon Weiss Gallery
in Columbus Ohio. This wonderful new painting
is a 16" x 20", Acrylic on Wood Panel. The working
title for this painting is "The Waterfall (One may never cross)".
To me this is a very romantic painting about two
characters of mine who are trying to reach each
other but they have one great hurdle to cross, The
Waterfall. Occasionally I enjoy making paintings
which are a little more thought provoking or existential
if you will. Some may enjoy this painting for those reasons
while others may simply see the beauty of the flowers which
took many hours to detail, or the splashes of water as
they dance and create movement. Regardless, The Waterfall
is another expression from my heart to the world.

website down

craigcarlisle.com is temporarily down. it will
be back up and running by Monday, Feb, 25th.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tubby, 11"x14", Acrylic on Panel

To be exhibited at Sharon Weiss Gallery, April 2008.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Sign Up -E-Mailing List

I now have a mailing list on my website.
Just go to my site craigcarlisle.com and
you will find on the HOME page the box
to enter your email address. This will
allow you to get updates and dates for
Mark your calendar April 4th, Columbus
Ohio, Sharon Weiss Gallery, 6-9PM for
the opening reception.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Tubby Picking a Bouquet, 11"x14", Acrylic on Panel

This painting will be exhibited in my April show
in Columbus at Sharon Weiss Gallery. Inquiries
can be made by emailing me
or calling Sharon Weiss Gallery, 614-291-5683

More paintings will be posted as I complete them
for this exhibition.
(Click to Enlarge)

Monday, January 28, 2008

Another Client Shows their Collection!

Are you next? I would love to see how
you have displayed yours.
The owner of this 7 foot tall Big Head
painting sent me an email with the photo
attached. I love this style of displaying
large art, leaning it against the wall. I
happen to have a few displayed the same
way in my home. It looks great Jason!
P.S. This one on paper is from the series
of a dozen Big Heads on paper I did back
in 1994.

Saturday (Jan 13th) entry update

*Just a quick note that Saturday the 13th, 1PM
has been updated. Scroll down to check it out.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Some Old Big Heads Resurface

As you know, I love it when a client contacts me to share their
experience with the painting they own. Some send a photo
of the painting hanging in their home, others just mention
which painting they have and kindly send along a photo.
I've done so many paintings so sometimes it takes a little
more, like a photo to kick-start my memory.
Recently i received the following two photos, of two very early
Big Head paintings. Ironically they both happen to be
residing in the San Francisco Bay Area. I just love knowing
that these two paintings ended up living a short 7 miles
from one another, and they don't even know it.

The first is titled Heart Shaped Head, Oil on Canvas, 58" x 48".
The second is called Green Head with Red Background, Oil on
Canvas, 56" x 46".
Also hanging in the same home as the Green Head is the acrylic
painting Guardian Angel which i did on paper in 1994. This painting
has more of a figure to it but i did it in the Buggyworks Studio the
same year. Just a side note, i happened to be the one who took the
2 photos of Green Head & Guardian Angel on a visit to SF last year.

If you read this and you want to share a photo of your painting
in your home. Show the world how you are displaying it or how
you framed it, i will be happy to post it here in my Blog.


Sunday, January 13, 2008

New painting wood box

Little Head
Old wood box is 10" x 7" , Oil Paint on Wood.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Starting Big Head #2, 30"x24"

For those of you who wrote emails to me
wishing the other Big Head wasn't spoken
for, guess what, this morning (Saturday)
I began Big Head #2. I will post more as
the paint is applied.

Finished! Re:A new Big Head (Oil on Canvas - 24"x30")

Once this oil painting is dry, it's going into
a crate, and then FedEx'd to Sharon Weiss Gallery.
Signed Sealed Delivered is it going to be yours?

*Updated Monday, Jan. 28th
It's on view and for sale at Sharon Weiss Gallery, Columbus.
With the Big Head hanging in the front window she
said there is an unusual amount of foot traffic to see it up close.
I have never really been able to put my finger on it, but
the Big Heads have always evoked conversation and
With my April show at SWG in Columbus quickly approaching,
I really haven't been able to do more than work on this show.
I now have the 2nd Big Head painting on a short term hold.
So in between brush strokes with my micro tiny brushes, i'll
jump over to the much larger tools of the trade and let the spirit
guide me... well actually i consider all my paintings divinely

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Collage from the year 1994

I was browsing through some of my older work
the other day and came across this cool collage
I did back in 1994. The collage is a mix of clippings
and photos I took on a trip to San Francisco in 94.
The collage itself measures 11"x7". However I have
framed it which makes the frame size 15"x12". The
art is floating on a white mat and the backside of
the frame has an easel so it can stand on a table,
or you can always hang it if desired.

I am enclosing a couple of views. First is a pic
showing the approximate size 11x7. The next
will be a large view so you can see the details
which makes for a unique view. Lastly you will
see multiple views framed.

This collage is available via my studio so please
email me if you want to claim it. cc5164@yahoo.com

Two TINY Heads - New Paintings

I have been busy in the month of December creating
Head paintings. First I want to share two new oil
paintings on wood panel. These are very small panels
measuring only 3.75" x 3.75" x 1" (deep). These two
paintings can very easily be framed inexpensively, or
like many of my wood panel paintings, they can be left
alone and hung with the wood edge showing. The other
option is free standing. These paintings can stand on
their own if you wanted to put them on a side table. I
wouldn't suggest laying them flat on a table or a guest
might mistake the painting for a coaster, Yikes.

These two paintings will be shipped to Sharon Weiss
Gallery this week. Anticipate their arrival at the gallery
by the first weekend of January. You have until January
2nd or 3rd to purchase from my studio if you want first dibs.
Feel free to email me and I will let you know the status.
Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

New Big Head (on paper, framed)

Acrylic on paper, and measures 18" x 24".
This new painting, "Untitled Big Head", completed in
Dec. 2007 will be available for purchase at Sharon Weiss
Gallery around the first weekend of January. It has been
framed in a nice wood gold leaf frame. Because there is
such a strong demand for my Big Head paintings in Columbus
Ohio I wanted to make sure Sharon had one available to start
off the new year. If you are interested in the painting and
want to insure you get a chance to purchase, I advise you to
call the Gallery and let Sharon know. She will gladly show you
the painting during her business hours. The gallery phone
number is: 614-291-5683, the address is: 20 E. Lincoln St.
Columbus, OH in the Short North Gallery District.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Novatny at Billis LA

I spent some time with my old college friend (CCAD)
Brian Novatny. He is currently showing at George Billis
Gallery Los Angeles until January 12th. His work is
incredible and a must see. Because he's a New York artist I
haven't seen him since I last showed there.. thanks Brian
for the tips on a new technique i'm going to try out.
Click Here for Brian's Work at Billis

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Store added with Prints, Posters

Check out the new store on my site!
Store Currently Offline
Currently I am donating 40% of all sales from the
paintings to the Columbus AIDS Task Force. This
donation will be going on until April 2008. The paintings
I am selling are from my personal collection, some art
going back to the early 90's.
You will also find the few posters I have left from
exhibitions at Sharon Weiss Gallery. The posters are all

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

NBC News (update)

A small news video clip from the Art for Life event
in Columbus Ohio last week. It was on the 11PM
evening news on NBC, thanks Colleen for pointing
the camera man to my art. : )

Friday, October 26, 2007

Old Painting resurfaces

I love it when my clients contact me to let me know they
purchased a painting which was resold on the secondary
market. This particular painting I did when I lived in NYC
and produced it in my Stanton Street Studio (1997-98) in
the Lower East Side. Thanks Marsha and Amy for contacting
me to let me know where one of my babies is now located.
Enclosed is a photo they sent me.
The painting is approximately 16"x20", and is an oil on canvas.
*Just a side note, check out how the theme of a Head peering
out through plants also resurfaces in 2007, in the "Midnight
Gardener" posted below on October 7th.

Columbus - Art Fair for Life - NOV. 1st !!

I will be flying into Columbus Ohio for the "Art Fair for Life" event
which will be held on November 1st.
You can buy tickets by calling the Columbus AIDS Task Force
A percentage of the sales from this event will go to CATF.

This is a very important event so please attend if you are in
the Columbus area. There will be 50 artists participating in
this event. They have been hand selected by a committee
to produce the best possible donations to such a great cause.
I am honored and grateful to be able to participate. So much
that I am willing to fly from my home in Los Angeles for this
one night event. This is the second "Art Fair for Life" event
which precedes the spring Art for Life Art Auction held at
the Columbus Museum of Art in 2008. I'm not sure how many
years the AFL event has been going on but I think it must be
close to 20 years and has raised millions of dollars for the
Columbus AIDS Task Force.

I will have a handful of paintings for sale along with two
framed prints. Enclosed are the two prints which I will have
for sale. The prints are "giclee" and are signed artist proof
prints. They are the first off the press and at this point the
only two available (one of each image). I will update when
the limited edition series will be available for sale online.
At that time there will be 25 signed and numbered prints
available (in the next month or two).

First print: Fuzzy Twin Dinosaurs, 20"x24", Giclee Print
Second Print: Big Head with Chocolate Eyes, 20"x24", Giclee Print
*Both prints will be framed and signed in ink - labeled "Artist Proof".

Friday, September 14, 2007

In Nashville

I had a chance to hang out with my family in Nashville
where I worked on some of the paintings for my upcoming
exhibit in New York City. The photo enclosed is myself with
my little (bigger) brother, and my lovely sister Chris, both
who live in Nashville. Chris is an interior designer and Matt
is the CEO of a non profit website bigheartdesign.com, a
business that helps build websites for non profit organizations.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Warrior Head

Every once and a while I like to look at old paintings
of mine which make me feel good. Today I felt like viewing
"Warrior Head" from the year 1997, painted in Columbus
Ohio. It was a large canvas and I did it in my First Ave.
studio in (suburb) Grandview. What a great studio that was!
It was a huge storefront, and besides working on paintings I
also rented the space out to individuals, and companies
for events/parties. Someone even used it for a film.
A fond memory of that space was the big tree planted
in the sidewalk out-front. One party the guests hung a
pinjata from it and goodies covered the concrete within
a few swings. Before I moved to NYC in 97 this was my
last storefront studio in Cols. Of course moving to NYC
meant I had to sell my car, a 1966 Ford Mustang, white
with a hardtop. I used to park it on the street out-front
which was the sign to my friends that I was inside working.
It was a sign to them that they were welcome to come inside
and hang out. If I need privacy I would park it in the garage,
my do not disturb sign I guess. haha
Warrior Head even ended up in the Columbus Dispatch as
a simple public interest photo. They shot me while
painting on it. I will dig around and see if i can find a copy
of that photo also... Ok found it, attached below.